Credit Scores

Learn about credit scores, credit worthiness, and how credit scores are used in day-to-day life.

What is a Credit Mix and How Does it Affect Credit Scores?

Maintaining a diverse credit mix can positively impact your credit scores. But what is a credit mix and how do you create it?

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[Video] A Quick Guide to Your Equifax Credit Report & Equifax Credit Score

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How Are Credit Scores Calculated?

Learn about the main factors involved in calculating a credit score.

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How to Improve Your Credit Scores

If your credit scores are on the lower end, there are some actions you can take to help boost your scores and increase your chance of being approved for a loan at a better interest rate.

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Top factors that affect your credit scores

Equifax and Fairstone collaborated to create a quick guide to help you understand how your credit scores may be calculated and what actions you can take to improve them.

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What Factors Impact My Credit Scores?

When it comes to financial progress and credit, it's important to understand the actions that may influence your credit scores.

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Why Do I Have Different Credit Scores?

You don't have just one credit score, and there are several reasons why your credit scores may differ. 

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10 Things That Won't Hurt Your Credit Scores

Did you know that not every action impacts your credit scores? Here are 10 things that, while they may influence your finances, will not affect your credit scores.

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5 Things to Know About Your Credit Scores

There are still misconceptions around credit scores, what they mean and factors that can impact them. We answer 5 questions about credit scores.

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Why Do Credit Scores Change?

It's completely normal for your credit scores to change. But why does this happen? Here are a few reasons.

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What is a Good Credit Score?

Find out what is a good credit score, how lenders may see you, and how your actions may impact your credit scores.

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How Can You Check Your Credit Scores?

Credit reports from the two nationwide credit bureaus usually don't contain credit scores. But there are several ways you can check credit scores.

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