
Dealer Performance

Fuel profitable lending opportunities and strengthen dealer relationships


To fuel more profitable portfolio growth, auto lenders need greater visibility into dealer behaviour. What dealer performance and trend information do you care about?

Part of Equifax Ignite Marketplace, Dealer Performance integrates Equifax and Dealer track data in insightful infographics, not spreadsheets, to help segment metrics including: 

  • Aggregated dealer performance on loans originated, vehicle parameters, etc. 
  • Dealer Rate: Book to look rate, book to approve rate, early payout rate, average loan to value percentage, etc. 
  • Dealer’s Consumer Credit: Average score at time of purchase, average bankruptcy score at time of purchase, 30/60/90 days delinquency rates, charge-off rates, etc.

Quickly compare and identify high performing auto dealers nationally with Dealer Performance. 

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