Fraud & Identity Theft

What You Need To Know About the Dark Web And Protecting Your Identity


  • Many people believe it’s  a matter of when, not if, your data will end up on the dark web.
  • A dark web monitoring feature like WebScan from Equifax can alert you if the personal information you provide is found on the dark web.
  • While there’s not much you can do to remove your data from the dark web, reporting the fraud and monitoring your financial accounts can help you protect your identity and your financial future.


The internet has made our lives easier in so many ways. But it has also put our personal information at risk in more ways than we could ever imagine. From online shopping to online banking, from streaming services to managing monthly bills with an app, your personal data is everywhere. 

Which means it’s likely a matter of when, not if, your data will fall into the wrong hands and onto the dark web. 

Since the dark web isn’t visible to search engines and requires specialized browsers to access it, it has become a hotbed of criminal activity. And it’s where cybercriminals buy and sell personal data for a surprisingly low price. 

Privacy Affairs’ Dark Web Price Index 2023 found a hacked credit card, with CVC (security code), sells for just $30 USD. And online banking logins for accounts with at least $2,000 USD sell for only $60 USD. 

How Do You Know If Your Data Has Been Compromised?

If your data was part of a data breach, the affected company is required by law to contact you and tell you what information was stolen.

But a data breach isn’t the only way your personal information can end up on the dark web. Something as simple as using unsecured Wi-Fi to log into your banking app can leave you vulnerable to hackers. That’s where a dark web monitoring service can help. 

Equifax CompleteTM products have a WebScan feature that searches for the personal information you provide and alerts you if it’s found on the dark web. You can use WebScan to monitor the following:

  • Up to three email addresses 
  • One Social Insurance Number
  • One Passport number
  • Up to six credit and debit cards
  • Up to six bank account numbers 

What Can You Do If Your Data Is Compromised?

Once your information is on the dark web, there’s little you can do to remove it. However, there are steps you can take to help protect your identity and your financial future.

  1. Contact the relevant authorities. If you believe your data has been stolen or used fraudulently, you should report it to:
    1. The Canadian Anti-Fraud Centre
    2. Your local police department 
    3. The two national credit reporting agencies (Equifax and TransUnion)
  2. Change your passwords. Immediately change the passwords for all of your online accounts, especially those that contain sensitive information.
  3. Enable two-factor authentication. If you haven't already, enable two-factor authentication for all of your accounts.
  4. Monitor your credit reports and bank statements. Check your credit reports regularly for any suspicious activity, like new credit cards or credit inquiries, or an unfamiliar phone number. And check your bank and credit card statements to ensure all the transactions are yours. 
  5. Run an antivirus scan on your devices. Antivirus and anti-malware software can help discover and isolate potential malware or spyware so that your future accounts aren’t compromised. 
  6. Set up an email alias to help protect your main inbox. An email alias is a secondary address that you can use to sign up for new online accounts, newsletters, or when getting discounts from online stores. The emails can still be routed to your main inbox, but your primary email account won’t be compromised in the event of a data breach. 

Consider identity theft protection services. Identity theft protection services can help you monitor your credit reports and alert you to any suspicious activity. Equifax CompleteTM products monitor your Equifax credit score and report, and notify you of key changes. And if you’re the victim of ID theft or fraud, Identity Restoration Specialists will work hard on your behalf to help restore your identity.

Get credit and ID monitoring today!

With Equifax CompleteTM Premier, we monitor your credit report and score to help you spot signs of fraud. And if your identity is stolen, we'll help you recover.