
Fraud Prevention

Safeguard your business from the damaging effects of fraud with our multi-layered prevention solutions

Dynamic Fraud Protection

From lost revenue to a damaged reputation, being the victim of fraud has long-lasting and negative implications for any business. That’s why we've developed a multi-layered approach to fraud protection that offers numerous, dynamic safeguards covering early detection, through to containment and recovery. 


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Preventing fraud starts with getting to know your customers. We’ve developed a comprehensive package of identity verification tools that prove your customers, prospects or applicants are who they say they are.

With our fraud prevention tools, you can:

  • Automatically cross check applicant entered details with our vast credit database to validate customer identity.
  • Generate ‘shared secret’ questions from multiple data sources that only the true applicant can answer.
  • Scan applicants against our Deceased ID database to prevent identity fraud.
  • Validate business customer details with our real time corporate records search.  


Not all customers have your best interests at heart. Our fraud prevention identity verification tools let you know your potential customers, before you start working with them.

Detecting fraudulent customer activity is a critical stage in the fraud management process. With our early detection tools, you can prevent fraud before it has a chance to impact your business. 

Our most popular fraud detection tools include:

  • SafeScan  our interactive warning system detects potential fraud by spotting applicant data irregularities, misuse in names, addresses, SINs, and telephone numbers
  • QuickMatch  make sure credit cards are being used by their rightful owners with QuickMatch – our credit card data verification tool
  • FraudIQ™  a comprehensive fraud prevention platform, combining advanced analytics and consortium based fraud protection into one powerful solution.


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Pinpoint and put an end to fraudulent activity with help from our in-house fraud consultants. With deep industry knowledge, our consultants are in the perfect position to investigate, develop and deploy successful fraud solutions.

Due to our expertise in predictive modeling and our comprehensive fraud data sources, we are also able to offer custom analytical services that can help enable your business to quickly investigate and identify potential fraud.

If your business experiences a data breach, it’s critical that you act fast to contain the issue and minimize negative impacts.

Our Data Breach Response Services team is on hand to protect your reputation and maintain customer trust. Our team of experts can help identify and alert your affected customers, set up call centre support, and provide credit monitoring to ensure the breach won’t happen again.

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Our in-depth analysis and reporting solutions let you tailor anti-fraud strategies to match your specific business. And if you have been a victim of fraud, our in-house consultants, alongside our predictive data models, can pinpoint soft spots in your anti-fraud processes to help prevent you from becoming a victim of fraud again.

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